
Learning should inspire us to be better and grow....learning a language is no different. Finding a learning strategy and having someone to guide you can make all the difference. 


I'm Wendy!

Today, I'm an English language teacher. I wasn't always one. I was actually a Spanish student in the beginning before I decided to teach English.

When I was 26, I fell in love with language. I was focusing on learning Spanish, but also learning to become an English language teacher at the same time.  

My experience as an adult learning a second language has impacted my teaching in every aspect. I look at my students in awe because I know the challenge. I know the good, the bad and the ugly of the learning process.....but I also know that is WELL WORTH IT.

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My Story

After graduating high school, I worked in a bank for 6 years. I decided to quit that job and travel to the UK so that I could see the world. I spent two years working and travelling abroad. It was then that I knew I wanted to speak more than just English.

I returned to Australia and completed a degree in Applied Linguistics with Spanish as my major. I went to Chile as a foreign exchange student for 1 year. Here, I took a course on how to become an English language teacher. I started teaching English in Chile.

When I returned to Australia, I continued to work as an English language teacher. I also became an IELTS Examiner and completed my Masters in Applied Linguistics.

Since graduating, I've completed research into Australian Aboriginal languages and an Elementary Turkish course.  

And of course, I still teach. I believe I have the best job in the world!

"Wendy is the best teacher that I've ever known!"

- YeaEun Lee, South Korea

"Wendy is an excellent teacher!
She is extremely knowledgeable and well prepared. Her style makes complex structures easy to understand. Plus, she is a very patient, encouraging and approachable person."

- Ozden, Turkey

"From buried in debt to living the life of my dreams, Thank you, Riley!"

- Susan Smith

Why I Do It

Learning a language as an adult is not easy. Learning Spanish was not easy for me. However, I had a teacher that I loved and who inspired me to keep pushing. I think everyone can learn a new language and achieve greatness with the right support and motivation.

Because of my personal experience with Spanish, I want to help others stay motivated and inspire them to believe in themselves. 

I think the best way to learn a language is to surround yourself with people who want the same thing, and find a teacher that makes you fall in love with learning.


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