English with Wendy

The blog

I'm here to write the answers to the wonderful and varied questions I am asked by my English language students.

How to practise speaking in English!

learning strategies speaking english


Everybody wants to improve their speaking. Even me! I want to improve my spoken Spanish! And we all know that we should ‘just speak English’! However, it’s not always that easy. Speaking with native English speakers can be stressful. Somedays, it seems easy and other days, you feel like you can’t say one word correctly. That is perfectly normal….but, it doesn’t mean you should give up.

If you are lucky enough to be in an English-speaking country, there are opportunities all around you. Every day, you need to speak at least a little English. You need to order your coffee, take public transport, speak to your boss, or ask for directions in English. These little interactions are all part of the process of building your confidence and practicing English….. and you should make the most of these moments. Next time you are on the train, sit next to someone and ask a question. See if you can make a conversation in English. Compliment people, “I like your dress. Where did you buy it?”, “I don’t know where that is. Is it in the city?”.

If, however, like me, you don’t live in a country, where your ‘new’ language is spoken, then you have to be a bit more creative in your practice. Or, if you are just incredibly shy, then I have 4 learning tips for you to practice your speaking in English.

TIP #1 Speak to yourself!

I’ve written about this before in a previous blog (click here to read that), but one of the best ways to practice speaking is talk to yourself. I do it when I run. I do it when I’m cleaning. I do it when I’m driving….I’m doing it right now! To really get the benefit of this, you should speak aloud. Try not to do this in a public place as people might think you are a little crazy, but when you are alone, you should try it!

TIP #2 Sing English songs!

Another way to practice is to sing songs. Everybody has a favourite singer/band in English. Google the words to your favourite English song. Use a dictionary to look up any new words and then practice singing it as much as possible. I promise you that I learnt the Mixed Conditional grammar in Spanish by listening to Marco Antonio Solis’s song ‘Si no te hubieras ido’. I love that song! Possibly my favourite Spanish song of all time!

TIP #3 Read aloud in English!

A third way to practice is to read aloud. It doesn’t have to be a book or anything big. Choose something you like reading about and find something to read on that topic. Then, read a paragraph aloud. This is something you can do every day for 5 minutes. Read slowly and clearly and try to pronounce every word…but don't forget, don't do it in your head, read aloud! It’s an amazing feeling to hear yourself speak in your new language correctly. You don’t need to know what the words mean…of course you can look them up in the dictionary, but you don’t have to. This is a speaking exercise so focus on speaking.

TIP #4 Register for a speaking class!

Sign up for English speaking classes. Don’t be shy. Don’t be worried about your ability. Every person in that class feels the exact same way you do. They are all nervous. They are thinking there English is not good enough. They are worried about making mistakes. But, just like you, they are in that class to learn English. They joined the class for the same reasons as you. So, take a deep breath and try your best.


And remember to congratulate yourself on your triumphs. It’s an incredible thing to learn a new language as an adult. It takes time and effort. You are AMAZING for doing it.  So, even on those bad days, remind yourself, that there are many many many people, who only speak one language….and you, my friend, are not one of them! I think you are AWESOME! English language learners are my heroes!