English with Wendy

The blog

I'm here to write the answers to the wonderful and varied questions I am asked by my English language students.

How to text politely in English


Everybody wants to be polite….well I think most people want to be polite! It’s a little tricky in a second language, though. Often when English language students need to send a text message to their boss, colleague, teacher, or other professionals in English, it can cause them a lot of stress. So here are two very simple tips to sound more polite in English.

1# Don’t say ‘I want…’.

Let’s imagine you want to take a vacation day from work. You need to message your boss. For example: I want to take next Monday off, or, I don’t want to work next Monday.

A better way to say this is:

Is it possible for me to take next Monday off?

Is it ok if I take next Monday off?

Would it be ok if I take next Monday off?

Could I take next Monday off?

2# Always explain why!

When you are asking a favour or making a request, you should always explain why. English speakers expect this.

For example:

Is it possible for me to take next Monday off? I have a medical appointment that I can’t miss.

Is it ok if I take next Monday off? I need to pick my parents up from the airport.

Would it be ok if I take tomorrow off? I’m not feeling well and I think it’s best for everyone if I stay away from the workplace.


I hope this helps you. If you’d like more examples of everyday requests, click here to access my free list of everyday requests you can use to when you text someone.

Have a wonderful day!