Stop being confused by these English words!

Take my 4 week course to learn the difference between the words that we all know are a little confusing in English. Yes, I'm talking about borrow and lend, drink and drunk, sensible and sensitive and so many more!

Watch me below to learn more and then click the button to start studying!

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In this online course you will learn and practise the difference between:


We will cover the following vocabulary step by step in 30 days:

  1. Borrow versus Lend
  2. Come versus Go
  3. Hope versus Wish
  4. Remember versus Reminder
  5. Sensible versus Sensitive
  6. Take versus Bring
  7. Voice versus Sound
  8. Drink versus Drunk
  9. Only versus Just
  10. House versus Home
  11. Used to versus Usually
  12. Teach versus Learn
  13. Choose versus Choice
  14. Win versus Earn
  15. See you versus See you soon


Over 2 hours of classes delivered to you step by step.



Would normally cost you over $100AUD to study in one-on-one classes!

Start now!